Practical Resources for
Community Members
Explore our collection of mental wellness tools and resources to support your wellbeing. In addition to our online directory, these resources can provide direction and valuable information or help you build long-term wellness habits.
Vetted Mental Wellness Information
Mental wellness information on the internet are vast and it can be hard to determine how professional and useful they might be. These resources have been chosen because they offer quality content, and where possible, are connected to local funded programs. While there are many individual mental wellness providers with quality content, we do not generally link to their content as we do not want to appear to support one local professional over another.
CBT Therapy-Online Group
Free 8-week modules, including CBT Skills, ADHD skills, and parenting support for children aged 0–6. Physician referral required.
jump to INFORMATION for:
General | YOUTH | first nations | SEX AND GENDER DIVERSITY | seniors | front line workers substance users | parents & families | relationships | women | men |
General Information
UC Berkley Greater Good Magazine: Science-Based Insights for a Meaningful Life
Livehappy resources for resilience, positivity, wellbeing, and more
Living Life to the Full CBT sessions
In Praise of Gratitude by Harvard Health
Free course on the Science of Wellbeing with Dr. Laurie Santos (Yale University)
The Happiness Lab podcast with Dr. Laurie Santos (Yale University)
YouTube playlists in different genres, such as indie/folk
Spotify has a variety of calming or positive playlists (membership needed)
UC Berkley Greater Good Magazine: Science-Based Insights for a Meaningful Life
Livehappy resources for resilience, positivity, wellbeing, and more
Living Life to the Full CBT sessions
In Praise of Gratitude by Harvard Health
Free course on the Science of Wellbeing with Dr. Laurie Santos (Yale University)
The Happiness Lab podcast with Dr. Laurie Santos (Yale University)
YouTube playlists in different genres, such as indie/folk
Spotify has a variety of calming or positive playlists (membership needed)
UC Berkley Greater Good Magazine: Science-Based Insights for a Meaningful Life
Livehappy resources for resilience, positivity, wellbeing, and more
Living Life to the Full CBT sessions
In Praise of Gratitude by Harvard Health
Free course on the Science of Wellbeing with Dr. Laurie Santos (Yale University)
The Happiness Lab podcast with Dr. Laurie Santos (Yale University)
YouTube playlists in different genres, such as indie/folk
Spotify has a variety of calming or positive playlists (membership needed)
Mindfulness for Teens resources from pediatrician at BC Children's
Meditation for High School Students from Khan Academy
Nemours Teens Health a wellness site for physical and emotional resources
Open Mind a site of youth mental wellbeing tools and resources
Mental Health Literacy for teens
Anxiety in Youth downloadable resources
Anxiety Info and Resources by Foundry
Resilience for teens: 10 tips to build skills on bouncing back from rough times. American Psychological Association.
Ted Talks by brilliant kids and teens
Cyberbullying impact and awareness
Here2Talk connects students with free counselling services
- is revolutionizing mental wellness for youth.
Go Ask Alice is a place you can ask questions about health, sex, substance use, nutrition, and more
SOVA Ambassadors blog about mental wellness
In person meet up activities hosted by Youth Space (Alexandra Neighbourhood House)
YMCA Surrey, City of White Rock and City of Surrey have recreation programs for a variety of ages.
UC Berkley Greater Good Magazine: Science-Based Insights for a Meaningful Life
Livehappy resources for resilience, positivity, wellbeing, and more
Living Life to the Full CBT sessions
In Praise of Gratitude by Harvard Health
Free course on the Science of Wellbeing with Dr. Laurie Santos (Yale University)
The Happiness Lab podcast with Dr. Laurie Santos (Yale University)
YouTube playlists in different genres, such as indie/folk
Spotify has a variety of calming or positive playlists (membership needed)
First Nations
*Check with your doctor before starting any new program*
White Rock Parks and Rec online exercise videos for seniors
Choose to Move online or phone guided classes for seniors
The Canadian Center of Activity and Aging online exercise videos
Video of home exercise for seniors
Free home exercise program for seniors
SeniorsBC is a provincial website for all kinds of general resources
7 Numbers for Seniors for health concerns
Seniors Mental Health Online Info (American) has information on health in aging
Embracing Aging Mindfully free videos from a retired psychologist
American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry has valuable patient information
Zoomer Senior's Magazine with tips, advice, and information
Alexandra Neighbourhood House hosts a LOVE community advocacy group
Qmunity provides seniors social support, and gatherings.
MindShift™ CBT Free user-friendly self-help tool by Anxiety Canada
Seniors Living.Org lists several apps to make the day to day a little easier.
Onemind Psyberguide. Apps and digital health resources reviewed by experts.
Front Line Workers
American Psychological Association: Self-care advice for health-care providers during COVID-19
Center of Study for Traumatic Stress: Practical strategies for sustaining healthcare workers wellbeing
National Center for PTSD: Managing health care workers' stress associated with COVID-19
Washington University: Podcast and info about health care burnout
Stat News: The need beyond appreciation
National Library of Medicine: Detailed research article on burnout in health care providers
Work to Wellness: Workbook for BC Workers COVID stress
American Psychological Association: Psychological first aid training
American Psychological Association’s self care suggestions for mental health providers
Disaster Relief has a YouTube video about caring for yourself while caring for others
Protecting Practitioners at Risk of Professional trauma and fatigue
Parents and Families
Positive Psychology: What is Positive Parenting?
Science Based, Greater Good Magazine from UC Berkeley has many positive family articles
Triple P: Positive Parenting Programs with modules for toddlers to teens
Kids Health: Everything for Kids Wellbeing including behavioral science-based information on children, youth and families developed by leaders of the American Psychological Association
The American Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)’s Parenting Essentials
Exploring Indigenous ways of learning through age-based materials and books in the library (or these ones suggested by CBC and UBC or those published by Strong Nations)
City of Surrey Resources for outdoor learning
Families Change a (divorce) guide to support BC families, including guides for children and teens
The Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine has a comprehensive site of mental health resources for parents
Anxiety Canada has guides to help children manage anxiety
The Canadian Mental Health Association has a free online program with counsellor support for parents of anxious kids: Confident Parents, Thriving Kids
CADDAC is a Canadian ADHD organization with helpful lists of specific, age-appropriate accommodations.
Common Sense Media site reviews movies and apps for parents and it includes articles on recommended kids apps.
BC Foundry list of helpful apps for teens
Multicultural mental health articles and resource lists
Hold Me Tight from Emotion Focused Canadian expert, Dr. Sue Johnson
The Art and Science of Love from US Relationship expert John Gottman
Greater Good Resources for Women’s Wellbeing by the University of Berkley
Unmasking Gender Inequity in Mental Health by BC Women's Health Foundation
Women's Mental Health on Campus by Psychology Today
Women and Sleep: An Overview of Sleep Disorders that Affect Women More by Sleep Foundation
Women and Stress: Unique Factors by the Cleveland Clinic
Here’s Why Women Are More Likely to Have Chronic Pain by the Cleveland Clinic
Millions of Women Have Left the Workforce. Psychology Can Help Bring Them Back by the American Psychological Association
How Organizations Can Support Women's Mental Health by the Harvard Business Review
UC Berkley Greater Good Magazine: Science-Based Insights for a Meaningful Life
Livehappy resources for resilience, positivity, wellbeing, and more
Living Life to the Full CBT sessions
In Praise of Gratitude by Harvard Health
Free course on the Science of Wellbeing with Dr. Laurie Santos (Yale University)
The Happiness Lab podcast with Dr. Laurie Santos (Yale University)
YouTube playlists in different genres, such as indie/folk
Spotify has a variety of calming or positive playlists (membership needed)
COVID Resources
What an Enormous Global Study Can Tell Us About Feeling Better During the Pandemic
8 Tips for Reopening Anxiety When You are Living with a Chronic Condition
Re-Opening Anxiety
World Happiness Report and Conversation on Global Resilience Factors
Impacts and Coping with COVID Isolation, Interview with a Psychologist
Kristin Lothman: Mindfulness & Meditation – COVID-19
Dr. Tara Brach: Meditation for Times of Pandemic
Jon Kabot Zinn: Mindfulness, Healing, and Wisdom in a time of COVID
Dr. Sharon Satlzberg: COVID-19 Resources from a Mindfulness Expert
Preserving your mental health during COVID. An interview with Brené Brown (The Economist)
Helping for mental health during quarantine (Fast Company)
Surviving quarantine with your relationship intact (Live Happy)
Helpful resources on coping with isolation and quarantine (Canadian Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH)
A podcast on connection while distancing (Berkeley University)
How to use kindness to create connection during crisis by Dr. Jud Brewer, neuropsychiatrist (Brown University)
How to move from a fixed to growth mindset by Dr. Jud Brewer, neuropsychiatrist (Brown University)
Psychological reaction to COVID: Over vs Under Responding (APNS)
Trauma psychologist, Bessel Van de Kolk discusses personal connections and COVID (NICABM)
Interview with Psychologist on mental illness and COVID-19 (i Heart Radio)
Weekly podcast on staying sane during the pandemic (Ten Percent)
COVID Stress App-Covid Coach (Created by US Veterans Affairs)