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Alex House (formally Alexandra Neighbourhood House)

Alex House has a wide range of programming and opportunities for community members and people of all ages. Community lunches, community gardens, lit cafes, english conversation, community events, and volunteer expereinces. 

Free services for families: (No referral needed.)

Families with children 0-12 years:  Child Care, Positively Parenting Workshop Series and 1 to 1 support for families and care givers seeking support in developping knowledge, skills, and community connections.  

Families with children 13+: Youth Space (, one on one and group support,  parent education and support, Youth Services Navigator (short term connection services to mental health and wellness supports). 

Ages: Everyone, No Referral Needed

Youth and Family Centre 

Alex House Youth & Family Workers provide a variety of supports to youth and families in the South Surrey/White Rock area.

These services are free, voluntary, and confidential.

Youth workers provide 1-1 support, outreach and groups in community.

Family workers provide 1-1 support, parent education sessions and resources to parents and caregivers of children and youth.

A Youth Services Navigator is also available to support youth and their families with advocacy and resources related to mental health and wellness.

DiscoverY by Sources

Our counsellors provide eight free counselling sessions with the goal of helping our clients build resilience and explore new ways of communicating, coping, and relating with both themselves as well as with the world around them.

Available: Ages 13-25

No referral needed

Day Program by Brella

Referral required through Fraser Health Home Health (see contact below)

Our Day Programs for Older Adults offer specialized care within a supportive, nurturing environment, ensuring our clients feel valued and respected in a safe environment. The Day Programs focus on the needs of each person as our clients have a variety of health, physical, or cognitive related issues. We build on the strengths of each individual, while being mindful of any limitations. We respect the client’s rights to choose and are supportive throughout their decision making process.

 At the Day Program, each day we offer a variety of recreational programs, opportunities to socialize with peers, exercises that strengthen and promote safety, and health monitoring.

Sources Counselling Services

Our intake coordinator will ask you a few questions and match you with a counsellor most appropriate for you. All of our counsellors are registered clinical counsellors with a master’s degree. Each of our counsellors are registered in professional regulatory bodies such as the BC Association of Clinical Counsellors.Sources Counselling Services is a fee-for-service program, with subsidy provided through Sources Foundation and donations.  Counselling can be covered through some extended medical plans or specialized funding programs (please inquire).

MenTOR Group Counselling for Men

MenTOR is an evidence-based program that supports men to develop healthy relationships and coping strategies and helps to heal familial relationships. The MenTOR model uses co-facilitators (one woman and one man) to offer group counselling. The group is 16 weeks long and focuses on healthy relationship skills, exploring healthy masculinity, understanding gender-based privilege, and communication skills.  Participants meet once a week for 2 hours online in trauma-informed group settings.

Sources Trauma Counselling

Crisis and short-term counselling. Counselling combines the most up-to-date trauma treatment practices with the principles of intersectional theory and practices.  We offer counselling (individual and group) for historical trauma, interpersonal violence, sexual assault, LGBTQ2+ issues, anxiety and depression, and PTSD. Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm. Call or email for an appointment.

Volunteer Wheels by Sources

Provided through the volunteer services office at Sources, the Volunteer Wheels program and the volunteer drivers are here to step in and help improve seniors’ access to health care. Our volunteer drivers provide assistance to residents of White Rock and South Surrey who are unable to use public transit and have no other means of reaching essential medical and dental appointments in the Metro Vancouver area. Volunteer drivers pick up and return clients to their residences.

Call or email to register

Substance Use Services

Sources Substance Use Counselling Services

Sources Substance Use Counselling provides confidential individual counselling, group and family support for anyone concerned about their own or a loved one’s substance use. In-person and virtual options. Referrals to residential programs or other services can be facilitated. Education, prevention and health promotion services are available for schools and the community. Harm Reduction supplies and NarCan kits on site.   

See: Sources Peace Point Overdose Prevention for overdose monitoring in White Rock.

FREE: FHA Funded counselling; Self-refer; reside in White Rock and/or South Surrey

The Youth Space

The Youth Space of South Surrey/White Rock is a safe, sober, and inclusive space for youth ages 10 and up to learn new skills, make new friends, and get support. If youth have ideas for a fabulous event or there’s a skill you want to learn, the Youth Space is the place to make those ideas a reality!

There are also opportunities to get connected to a youth worker, counselling, mental health supports, harm reduction supplies, finding a job, volunteering and more.

White Rock/South Surrey Mental Health and Substance Use Centre by Fraser Health

Assessment, treatment, individual and group therapy, Referrals to supportive housing, residential programs and community support services, older adult programs, crisis intervention and peer support. 

FREE; Ages 18+; No referral needed

Women's Place Resource Centre by Sources

Referrals and resources: Call us for information on local programs, community resources or crisis referrals and on a wide variety of topics of interest and concerns for women.

Hot lunch: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11:00 a.m. until 1:30 p.m., for women and their children. Clothing exchange: Open Wednesdays and Fridays from 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

By Appointment: laundry, shower, peer support 

FREE; Call to book appointment

Crisis line and Support: 604-583-1295  Our team is available 24-hours a day, seven (7) days per week, 365 days per year to help you access emergency medical, legal and social services. You do not have to go to the hospital or make a police report to use our services.

The Surrey Mobile Assault Response Team responds within minutes of an assault and operates 24/7, 365 days a year. The team provides comprehensive crisis response: safe transportation; urgent medical care, collection of evidence; filing of the police report; a comfort package; relocation to a safe place.

Legal Counselling, Trauma Counselling, Sharing Closet, Crisis Counselling. From $100/session. 

In partnership with Forensic Nursing (within 7 days of incident) and Medical Clinic for survivors for follow-up care (Forensic Nursing & Medical Clinic at 9634 King George Blvd; 604-807-5406).

AA Meetings Lower Mainland

List of AA meetings, currently indicates which ones are online.

FREE; No referral needed

Access PBS Program by Sources

The Sources Access PBS Program is a self-referred, family-centred positive behaviour fee-for-service support program.

Services are primarily provided to individuals with autism but are open to anyone else requiring these support with challenging behaviour or skill deficits. The program is open to individuals with all diagnoses including individuals with no formal diagnosis, as long as the client’s needs include socially significant behaviour that would elicit the need for behaviour analysis services. Behaviour consultants will work with the family and the team to create and implement individualized strategies to address concerns and teach new skills.

Eligible families can access their autism funding for this service.

Available: Ages 0-19

No referral needed

Atira Senior Women's Outreach

For women age 55 and over who are unable to or not ready to access a transition house who have or are still experiencing abuse by a family member, intimate partner or someone in a position of power such as a landlord or caregiver.

We provide emotional and practical support, advocacy and referrals to women 55 and over who have or are experiencing abuse.

Atira Women's Resources

From housing to outreach, daycare to education. Atira works to empower and support women affected by violence in Vancouver, Surrey, and White Rock. Atira is accessible to anyone who identifies and lives full time as a woman and who expereinces gendered violence and misogyny. 

Avalon Women's Recovery Center

Free, life-changing services for women and families with lived experience of addiction and trauma offering peer-support, meeting spaces for a variety of recovery and wellness programs, resource library, clothing closet and food pantry. Accessible to anyone who identifies with women’s communities, trans-inclusive.

No appointment necessary. Drop-in hours are 10am-3pm Mon-Fri and 10am-12pm on weekends. Telephone/video support groups and meetings run 7 days a week, outside of drop-in hours. FREE; No referral or sign-up needed.

BC Alcohol and Drug Information Referral Service by HealthLink BC

Alcohol & Drug Information Referral Service (ADIRS) provides free, confidential information and referral services to British Columbians in need of support with any kind of substance use issue (alcohol or other drugs). Referral to community substance use treatment services is available for all ages. Information available from ADIRS includes prevention resources, support groups, and addiction related topics such as fetal alcohol syndrome.

FREE: All ages; No referral needed; Multilingual telephone assistance is available; Confidential.

BC Bereavement Helpline 

We are a non-profit, free, and confidential service that connects the public to grief support services within the province of BC. Whether you are looking for bereavement support groups, community events, information on BC Bereavement Day.

Website includes a Peer Support Line for Health Care workers, webinars, and health care realted mental health resources.

BC Psychological Association

Provides a referral search service of registered psychologists in BC. Search includes by area, gender, languages, and areas of interest. Rates can range from $190 and above ($235 is the recommended rate).  Some rate coverage may be availble through employer extended health coverage, CVAP, RCMP, Veterans, etc.  Contact the individual psychologist to inquire more about their rates, hours, and services. 

Our Gambling Outreach Service is a mobile, early-intervention service supporting at-risk gamblers. This resource provides information, support, referrals, and accompaniment to resources, including problem gambling counselling services and treatment groups, as well as community support organizations such as bankruptcy trustees, legal services, housing services, community mental health services, debt management services, Gambler’s Anonymous meetings and peer support organizations.

BC Schizophrenia Society

Provides support and education to families with relatives who have schizophrenia, psychosis, or other serious mental illness. Provides advocacy, public information, service coordination, and support groups for family caregivers.

BC Smart Recovery

Support groups across BC help people recover from all types of addictive behaviours, including substance addiction (to alcohol, nicotine, and other drugs) as well as activity addictions such as sex, gambling, eating, relationships, spending, exercise or self-injury. Supports individuals who have chosen to abstain or are considering abstinence to work towards long-term satisfaction and quality of life. Teaches how to change self-defeating thinking, emotions, and actions; principles are based on cognitive-behavioural therapy, and in particular, rational emotive behaviour therapy. See website for meeting times and locations. Also offers online support groups and message board. Not a 12-step program. Non-profit society.

FREE: All ages; No referral

BC Society for Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse.  

Counselling and group services provided on a sliding scale for those with significant financial barriers. 100$/hr for individual 50$/hr for a RCC practicum student. Group sessions are 40$ an hour. Up to 26 sessions a year. 

Battered Women's Support Line

Provides one-to-one support, legal information and support, crisis intervention, community-based victim services, counselling, information and referral, and a variety of support groups for self-identified women and girls who have experienced relationship violence, childhood sexual abuse, and/or sexual assault, regardless of their race, culture, physical ability, or sexual orientation.  Operates a province-wide crisis line for survivors of intimate partner violence, childhood sexual abuse, and sexual assault.

Better at Home Program by Brella 

Better at Home is a program that helps seniors with simple non-medical, day-to-day tasks so that they can continue to live independently in their own homes, and remain connected to their communities.  The Government of British Columbia funds the program, United Way of the Lower Mainland manages it, and local non-profit organizations provide the services.

Helping seniors live independently in their own homes and remain connected to their community.

Available: Ages 65+

Call phone number to register

Youth Support in Canada

More than a “Helpline” and serving all youth, our “Helpline” serves as the point of contact for calls to our professional services from youth, families, school districts and a variety of youth serving stakeholders. Service in French and other languages available upon request.


The Friendly Visitor Program

The Friendly Visitor program is one of our longest running programs to date. It’s a program offering companionship and friendship to isolated older adults in the community of Surrey and White Rock. Volunteers will spend approximately 1-2 hours a week with you in the community or in your home. It’s a great program offering social company and opportunities in building new connections with the community. If you are looking for ways to spend time with others and opportunities to meet new friends, then the Friendly Visitor program is right for you.

Brella Caregiver Supports 

Services we offer include: 

Client-Centered Individual Support

Scheduled weekly or bi-weekly appointments with caregivers to provide one-to-one support. Meetings can be held remotely or in-office.

Family & Caregiver Conferences

Caregiver support for families is also available to help families understand and manage difficult situations in an atmosphere where they can ask questions and air concerns. Appointment times can flex to accommodate work schedules. Conferences can be held remotely, in-office, or through a hybrid system.

Caregiver Support Groups

The Caregiver Support Group is beneficial to caregivers in all stages of their caregiving journey. This group focuses on providing education, support, camaraderie and relaxation. You must register to attend. Call for dates, times and locations or to register.

Referrals to Community and Health Care Services

Helping caregivers identify available community resources they can benefit from and connecting them with those services and supports.

Caring Conversations Webinars

Educational sessions held once a month over zoom covering a variety of topics and designed to offer helpful resources and connections for caregivers. Look for upcoming session information posted under the Online Events tab!

Respite Care Services

Giving caregivers a well-deserved break while ensuring that their loved one is taken care of.

Professional Counselling

Offered by a licensed clinical counsellor.

CADDAC-Centre of ADHD awareness, Canada

We improve the lives of Canadians affected by ADHD through awareness, education, and advocacy. Lots of educational resources including lists of suggested classroom accomodations, medication descriptions, webinars, and support groups, including a new ADHD and Substance Use support group. 

CMHA provides free (with physcian or other mental health care provider referral) parent training programs for ages 3-12

1) Anxiety , 4-8 weekly coaching sessions

2) Behaviours 6-14 coaching sessions

3) We are Indigenous: Big worries/fears program. & coaching sessions

Go to their website for more info and the referral form. 

CAMH provides a variety of suport services including COVID specific articles such as the stress of isolation and pandemic anxiety, as well as other resources for Canadians. 

Charlene Reaveley Children’s Charity 

They offer 100% funded counselling sessions for both children and their immediate family members after children have experienced the loss of an immediate family member.

CRCCS works alongside counsellors who specialize in supporting both children and adults through the grieving process. Clients are not limited to seeing these counsellors. If you are located outside the tri-cities area, already seeing a counsellor, or request a counsellor specialized in specific areas, funding will still be approved. Counselling sessions are funded for clients seeing a new counsellor or continuing sessions with an existing counsellor.

Child and Youth Mental Health by Government of BC

We are a team that of child and youth mental health professionals that provide evidence-based mental health therapy to child and young people (birth to 18 years) who are experiencing mental health challenges and disorders that significantly impact their ability to function. We refer to our team as Child & Youth Mental Health (CYMH). The people on our teams who provide therapy are called clinicians.

CYMH also provides services in the area of prevention, risk-reduction, community education and consultation. We don’t do this alone though – we work with others in the community so that young people (and their families or caregivers) receive services that are appropriate, relevant and culturally safe. 

Now operating all intakes and therapy in person, and through phone and/or videoconferencing. 

FREE: Ages 0-18

No referral needed

Walk-in appointments available on Tuesdays from 9:00am-4:00pm. 

Creekside Withdrawal Management Center

Clients are medically supervised on a 24-hour basis at the Creekside Withdrawal Management Centre.

Withdrawal management services provide short-term medical supervision and support to individuals who are experiencing withdrawal symptoms associated with their discontinued use of alcohol/other drugs. Medically supervised withdrawal management is important, as there are some serious health risks for people coming off alcohol/other drugs. Once a person has completed withdrawal, they can enter a treatment program.

The Creekside Withdrawal Management Centre supports individuals through their withdrawal symptoms that can range from increased pulse, blood pressure, anxiety, restlessness, agitation and mood swings.

Services include 24-hour onsite medically supervised withdrawal support from alcohol/other drugs along with:

  • Supportive counselling

  • Substance use information

  • Daily exercise and relaxation sessions

  • Assessment

  • Referral to other services

  • Harm reduction

1-800-784-2433 by Crisis Centre BC

If you are in crisis and require an immediate response or you are concerned about someone who is at risk. We offer immediate access to barrier-free, non-judgemental, confidential support and follow-up to youth, adults, and seniors throughout BC. 24/7 phone lines and online services.

FREE: all ages   

Early Psychosis Intervention (EPI)

Early Psychosis Intervention (EPI) is a specialized approach to providing services to individuals affected by psychosis. It is oriented toward the early recognition of psychosis and the provision of timely comprehensive treatments that are stage and age-appropriate.

The partners involved in this project have been:  Fraser Health, Vancouver Coastal Health, Northern Health, and Island Health.

FREE: Ages 13-30

No referral needed

Families for Addiction Recovery is a national charity founded by parents of children who have struggled with addiction from their teens. Our goal is long term recovery for those with addiction and their families.

  • Online parent support groups

  • Parent to parent support

  • Phone support M-F 9am-noon (PST), Wed 4-6pm (PST)

First Link® Dementia Helpline by Alzheimer Society

Our vision is a world without Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias, and that world begins with a more dementia-friendly society, where people affected by dementia are acknowledged, supported and included. We ensure people affected by dementia are not alone, by educating and mobilizing a broader community of care around them, and supporting valuable research into the disease and people living with it.

If you have questions about Alzheimer’s disease or other dementias, call our First Link® Dementia Helpline for information and support (toll-free)

The First Link® Dementia Helpline is for anyone affected by dementia, whether professionally or personally. Helpline staff and volunteers give people the support they need, when they need it.

This program is for adults (19 years and older), of all genders, living in the Fraser Health region who are looking for an intensive day, evening or weekend outpatient substance use treatment program.

A program tailored to you, based on your goals for treatment and designed to provide flexibility. You can access the program from anywhere virtually, or visit a site most convenient for you at three locations.

Group sessions run throughout the day at different locations between 9:30 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.

The DEW Program services include:

  • Supportive counselling

  • Substance use information

  • Assessment

  • Referral to other services

  • Harm reduction

Fraser Region Aboriginal Friendship Centre Association

We offer culturally-relevant programs and services to suit the various needs of our members.turally-relevant programs and services to suit the various needs of our members.

O'Siem Early Childhood Development
We use a holistic approach to encourage the parent/caregiver attachment with their children ages 0-6, and also provide support in the areas of health and wellness. AECD Outreach
Prenatal & Doula Support, My Urban Auntie/Uncle, ReClaiming Our Indigenous Ways, Taking Care of Your Children, Awahsuk Aboriginal Headstart Preschool, Bringing Traditions Home, O’Siem Family Culture Night, Spirit Bear Child Development Program, Aboriginal Infant Development Program

Children, Youth and Families with Extra Support Needs
We offer intervention programs to children, youth, and families who may have extra support needs.

Kwom Kwom Lelum Family Home, Prenatal & Doula Support, FASD Keyworker Program, In-Home Family Support Worker, Family Connections Worker, Traditional Elder Counselling

Youth and Young Adult
We strive to support youth ages 13-30 in gaining independence through goal-setting and providing support and guidance arouns skill-building in all facets of life.

All Nations Youth Safe House
Services: Safe House for Youth 16-18
Tel: (604) 584-2625 (24 Hours)

Trauma Response.

 Trauma Response Counselling, Indigenous Domestic Violence Community Liaison, Ending Violence Against Women, Red Path Program

Health and Wellness Promotion
Programming centered around healthy living.

Housing and Homelessness Prevention
Our housing and homelessness prevention programs support individuals and families who are at risk of, or facing, homelessness. All Nations Evictions Specialist, Positive Health Program, Aboriginal Homeless Prevention Program, Aboriginal Housing Outreach Program, Indigenous Reaching Home Outreach Program, Indigenous Harm Reduction Outreach and Counselling Program

Transform(N)ations is youth-led social enterprise, providing leadership development and empowerment opportunities. This project provides youth with employment, education, and skill-development in the areas of advocacy, community relations, fundraising, and entrepreneurship. This newly developed Leadership Program delivers fee-based cultural competency workshops, while working to strengthen understanding about self- identity, preparing youth to be able to address, educate, and bring positive systemic change.

Gambling Support Line

The BC Government provides British Columbians with free information and resources to support informed choices and healthy behaviours with respect to gambling participation. Free treatment and support services are also available for anyone struggling with their own or a loved one’s gambling.

FREE: All ages; No referral needed

Multi-language website and phone line.

HIM: Health Iniative for Men 

We want to make it easy and accessible for GBQ men and gender diverse people to explore the mental, emotional, cultural, social and spiritual aspects of their lives. 

Our health centres in the Lower Mainland as well as our anonymous testing events in the BC Interior provide GBQ men and gender diverse people with HIV/STI prevention and treatment services. Additionally, our mental health programs provide our communities with access to counselling and support through peer counsellors who work with clients on matters relevant to their mental health such as loneliness, anxiety, coming out, racism, self-esteem/body image, aging, sex, substance use-related issues, and more.

Brief counselling services (8-10 sessions) are provided to eligible gay, bi, and queer men and women (GBQ men and women) and gender-diverse folks residing in the province of British Columbia. Sessions are by appointment only (both in-person and virtual) and we do not provide drop-in/crisis services. To apply, please email

Harm Reduction Services by BCCDC

Toward the Heart is part of the BC Centre for Disease Control. 

We believe every person has the right to the best health possible and should be treated with dignity and respect.

Comprehensive website site of BC resources including Naloxone programs and overdose awareness.

Hope for Wellness

The Hope for Wellness Help Line offers immediate mental health counselling and crisis intervention to all Indigenous peoples across Canada. Experienced and culturally competent Help Line counsellors can help or use the chat box on the website to connect with a counsellor on-line. If asked, counsellors can also work with you to find other wellness supports that are available near you. 

Phone and chat counselling is available in English and French.

On request, phone counselling is also available in Cree, Ojibway and Inuktitut

Indian Residential School Survivor Society (IRSSS)

We strive to provide physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual growth, development, and healing through culturally-based values and guiding principles for Survivors, Families, and Communities.  Cultural/Emotional Support Services

Aboriginal Mental Health Liaison Services by Fraser Health

Our Aboriginal mental health case manager and Aboriginal mental health liaison can provide assessment, referral, counselling support services, and liaise with other mental health workers in hospital and community.

From connecting patients to community services, assisting and educating health professionals in caring for Aboriginal clients, to helping patients understand and navigate the health care system, liaisons provide invaluable support and services to Fraser Health’s Aboriginal patient population.

Confidential; FREE: All ages

Infant Development Program

IDP is a free, voluntary home visiting program providing support for families with children ages 0-3 experiencing or at risk for developmental delay.  IDP provides group experiences through onsite parent drop-in programs such as infant massage, playgroup and social communication groups. Infant development consultants are trained, experienced professionals with expertise in typical and atypical development, providing parents with activity ideas, developmental assessments and referrals to other services.

Self-referral accepted. Language translation available. Referral form on website.  

Counselling Services and Crisis Line

JFS’s Counselling and Wellness programs provide therapy services to youth, adults, seniors, couples, and families.

We have an experienced team of therapists who have been trained in a variety of therapeutic disciplines such as family systems therapy, couples counselling, individual psycho-therapy, brief or solution-focused therapy, youth counselling and group therapy. We offer individual, couples, family and group therapy.


Provides 24-hour crisis services through education, prevention, and intervention programs. The 24-hour Crisis Line assists Indigenous people in crisis throughout BC. Tracks and monitors at-risk individuals until they are out of immediate crisis, and provides wrap-around service to reduce crisis from reoccurring. Offered in partnership with First Nations Health Authority (FNHA).

Kelty's Key (online, self directed)

Free online therapy modules for a variety of mental health issues.  Kelty's Key is your source for online therapy. Get tailored treatment from an online therapist, or work on your own with our self-help resources. With Kelty's Key, getting the help you need is flexible and accessible. We are publicly funded by Vancouver Coastal Health, making all our services 100% free.

Chronically Queer (CQ

Live Educate Transform Society (LET'S) hosts Chronically Queer (CQ), a support group for 2SLGBTQIA+ people who are chronically ill, crip, disabled, neurodivergent and/or mad.

They aim to create a supportive and welcoming environment where participants can be themselves fully and openly without fear of judgment. Their organization works with a Disability Justice framework, recognizing that those who are most impacted, best know what they need. Discussion topics include: self-care and community care, mental health during the pandemic, grief and loss, coping with isolation, how to deal with ableism, navigating the medical system, and how to effectively advocate for yourself and/or others.

Non profit organization for those affected by eating disorders or disordered eating. Through innovative and accessible programs and services, we provide community members with the support they need, no matter where they are on their recovery journey.

Peer Support:

We offer three safe, inclusive, non-judgmental peer support programs to help individuals feel supported and empowered on their healing journey. These programs are available to Canadian residents of all genders and are offered at no cost. No formal eating disorder diagnosis or referral is required.


Everyone should have access to the help they need and deserve. Looking Glass Counselling | Bridge the Gap™ provides one-to-one support to individuals who are affected by disordered eating and eating disorders. Counselling is delivered by practicum students from accredited B.C. universities. The program is open to B.C. residents aged 19 and older.

Looking Glass Residence (referral only)

The Looking Glass Residence is a residential treatment facility managed by the Provincial Health Services Authority and affiliated with the B.C. Children’s Hospital Eating Disorders Program. A team of caring, dedicated staff support young people of all genders, aged 16 to 24, who are suffering from anorexia, bulimia, binge eating, and other eating disorders or disordered relationships with food. Whether in person or virtually, there is a multi-disciplinary team of medical and mental health professionals committed to care and recovery. Youth at the Residence receive 24/7 support, including individual, group, and family therapy, meal support and nutrition, and medical and psychiatric treatment. 


MOSAIC is one of the largest settlement non-profit organizations in Canada. We serve immigrant, refugee, migrant and mainstream communities in Greater Vancouver and the Fraser Valley as well as throughout the province of BC and overseas via online programs.We provide employment, settlement, and language services. 

The mission of Men's Shed is to offer men an alternative way to reach out, avoid isolation, find new opportunities and interests, to socialize and work along with other men on activities which give a sense of purpose and value. 

Men's Shed meets every Wednesday at 10am. 

To inquire about membership and to receive the next meeting location call Dennis at (604) 762-6629.  

Metis Family Services provides a broad array of support services to Metis children and families. 

From their website:Métis Family Services is committed to working collaboratively with Métis families and our community to increase their capacity to nurture and care for their children in an inclusive manner that honours and celebrates their Métis heritage.

Some examples of programs they offer:

The Métis Child and Family Development Centre is a non-judgemental and supportive space in which parents and children are encouraged to engage in Aboriginal Mother Goose, drumming, singing, circles, story-telling, indigenous animals and puppetry— with Mooshum and Kookum. Parents learn about ages and stages of development and can ask questions about concerns they may have regarding their child’s development. The Early Years workers assist families with parenting strategies and by sharing resources in a welcoming environment. Parents and caregivers can also connect with each other while participating in the program.

Indigenous/Métis Infant Development Program & Early Years Support

When requested, the Infant Development Worker provides consultation for parents/caregivers and their children while they attend play group activities or by providing home visits. The Infant Development Worker can provide activity planning and developmental assessments (ASQ-3, ASQ-2:SE) to better understand a child’s development, celebrate a child’s growth, and to determine when further follow-up needs to be done.

Outreach Parenting Program

The Outreach Parenting Workers support parents to learn new parenting skills, establish household routines and develop coping skills. The Outreach Parenting Workers help families to connect with resources in the community, and work collaboratively with parents to create and make progress on goals that contribute to family harmony.

Resolutions & Reconnect Program

Within the Resolutions and Reconnect program; a Facilitator, Elder and a Reconnect worker are available to collaborate with Social Workers to support children and families in a culturally appropriate way. This is done through the use of Family Finding, Elder support, and Planning Circles. The program helps to promote family safety and wellness, while celebrating Métis history and culture. Its purpose is to increase resolutions for children to return home, to reside with extended family and/or to have a permanency plan within the
Métis community.

Child Safety & Family Services

The Intake and Family Service teams are delegated under the Child, Family, and Community Services Act (CFCSA) to review, assess, and investigate reports of child abuse, neglect, and exploitation. Supports are then provided to families to mitigate safety risks to Métis children. The team utilizes the family's strengths and natural supports, and makes referrals to community partners in order to overcome barriers to child safety. Métis Family Services works collaboratively with community partners, families, and their networks to keep children with their natural family whenever possible.
Youth Worker Program
​The Youth Worker Program assists teens who are between 16 - 19 year old, and who have been referred by the Ministry of Children and Family development (MCFD) or Métis Family Services. The role of the Youth Worker is to support the youth to develop the life skills necessary to achieve independence upon their 19th birthday, as well as to help youth to succeed on Youth Agreements and Independent Living Agreements.
Rapid Response Program
​The Rapid Response team is committed to working respectfully with families and caregivers while preserving their dignity and cultural beliefs. The team recognizes that families are the expert in their own lives, and draws from their unique strengths to help families to move forward. The team's focus is working collaboratively with families to help them to connect to other community supports, strengthen their community ties, and promote child safety.
Child & Family Group Therapy
​In partnership with Tipping Point Consulting & Counselling Services, the Group Therapy program provides resources to assist children and their families who are struggling with the effects of untreated and unresolved trauma.  Individuals referred will be supported to grow their social-emotional assets to increase co-regulation, self-regulation, social competence, empathy and resilience.  There are four primary areas explored within the overall framework of the group: Attachment, Regulation, Competence, and Community.
Cultural Activities Program
​The Cultural Activities Worker at Métis Family Services is able to assist with connecting individuals and families to Elders, Métis knowledge keepers, and Métis mentors for children and youth. The Cultural Activities Worker can provide information on Métis events, history, traditions, activities, and foods. This worker also manages the Métis Family Services Facebook page (Métis Family Services-Surrey) with upcoming events and online classes

Moms Stop the Harm

Our vision is that people who use drugs are not criminalized and that their rights are respected.  It sees health care as the way to equitably provide for a safe supply of substances and diverse pathways of support for all those affected. It includes support and empowerment of families to use their voices without shame, to share their stories and to advocate for positive change.

Holding Hope Groups are peer-led support groups, offered at no cost, to families with loved ones living with addiction (substance use disorder) across Canada.

Healing Hearts is a free bereavement support group specific to those grieving the loss of a loved one due to overdose or substance-use related harms.

Moving Forward Family Services

Moving Forward Family Services (MFFS) is an innovative non-profit agency that provides counselling to anyone who needs it in Surrey and surrounding areas.

MFFS embraces the evidence-based model of community-university engagement, which recognizes and values the significant contribution that post-secondary communities can make to address the social and emotional needs of the community that they too belong to.

The Muslim Community Care Foundation recognizes that mental health issues affects so many individuals and families. We are committed to offering services such as counselling, support groups and community connection groups.

Our intake coordinator is the first point of contact; once the intake process has been completed and the confidentiality policy has been discussed you will have your first session with the counsellor you selected. Sessions are offered online via a secure HIPPA compliant platform or online at our office in Surrey.

 Métis Nation BC 

The toll-free number is available for immediate crisis intervention, but also a variety of other issues like relationship troubles, depression and anxiety, financial issues, and bullying and peer pressure support. The staff who man the lines have the training to assist in many ways. They also have Métis information available like how to connect with your local Métis Chartered Community and information on Métis Service Provider services in 5 locations. 

NA Meetings Lower Mainland

N.A. is a nonprofit Fellowship or society of men and women for whom drugs had become a major problem. We are recovering addicts who meet regularly to help each other stay clean. This is a program of complete abstinence from all drugs. There is only one requirement for membership, the desire to stop using. We suggest that you keep an open mind and give yourself a break. Our program is a set of principles written so simply that we can follow them in our daily lives. The most important thing about them is that they work. There are no strings attached to N.A. We are not affiliated with any other organizations, we have no initiation fees or dues, no pledges to sign, no promises to make to anyone. We are not connected with any political, religious or law enforcement groups, and are under no surveillance at any time. Anyone may join us, regardless of age, race, sexual identity, creed, religion or lack of religion. We are not interested in what or how much you used or who your connections were, what you have done in the past, how much or how little you have, but only in what you want to do about your problem and how we can help. The newcomer is the most important person at any meeting, because we can only keep what we have by giving it away. We have learned from our group experience that those who keep coming to our meetings regularly stay clean.

FREE; No referral needed

BC Region of NA is holding online meetings every evening at 7:30 p.m.  

Fraser Health: Older Adult Community Mental Health

People over the age of 65 who are experiencing symptoms such as memory decline, confusion, depression, anxiety, psychosis, or other mental health symptoms that affect the person’s ability to manage their daily living activities.

Available: Ages 65+

Self-Referrals Accepted

Options Caring Dads 

17-week group designed to support fathers in developing child-centred and abuse free relationships with their children and their children's mother.

Individual counselling is also available to those that need further support for conflict resolutions, are having mild mental health conditions affecting their growth, are lacking the motivation to attend group or are having personal issues they do not find comfortable sharing in depth in group settings.

Moms' Empowerment  

8 week group designed for mothers who have experienced abuse in their intimate relationships. Moms meet to share their parenting experiences, concerns and receive support from their peers and professionals. Culturally competent and language specific services are available to all women including Indigenous and Immigrant women.

Prevention, Education, Advocacy, Counselling and Empowerment (PEACE) for Children & Youth Experiencing Violence

PEACE provides education and supportive counselling for children and youth (ages 3-18)  that have been exposed to and/or witnessed domestic violence/abuse in any form (i.e., sexual; emotional; verbal; financial; psychological; physical; and threats), even after the relationship has ended.

You may notice behavioural or emotional challenges in your child such as: low tolerance for frustration; aggressive words or actions towards others; poor concentration; fear of making mistakes; sleep problems; headaches and stomach aches; withdrawal from peers or activities; poor school attendance or academic performance; difficulty focusing; etc. If your child experiences any of these or other behaviours of concern, he or she could benefit from the PEACE program.

Overdose Prevention and Response by Government of BC

Overdose support and information, If you suspect an overdose, call 911 right away.

Confidential; FREE: All ages

Living with Post-COVID Symptoms

MyGuide Long COVID is an online tool that helps people living with symptoms of long COVID and their caregivers find best-practice information to self-manage long COVID symptoms. 

It customizes symptom-specific care plans and resources based on information entered by the user. It provides personalized post-COVID-19 care recommendations and is available online at any time, from any device.

MyGuide Long COVID is available in six languages: English, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Punjabi, Tagalog and French.

Pacific Post Partum Support Society

The Pacific Post Partum Support Society offers phone and text support. Please leave a detailed message and clearly state your name and phone number, so staff can call you back.

All support groups are currently running online, using Zoom. In addition to our usual groups, they been able to start offering a province wide group and a 2sLGBTQ+ group

FREE: Call or text for support. Online support group available. Open to LGBTQ+ folks

Here are some of the ways we can offer support to you and your family:

PARENT PEER SUPPORT FamilySmart Parent Peer Support Workers provide emotional support, information, resources and help in navigating services for all parents and caregivers with a child or youth with mental health and/or substance use challenges. Our services are free. No waitlist.

RESOURCES + VIDEOS Our website has free resources and videos on topics important to families who are parenting a child, youth or young adult with a mental health and/or substance use challenge.

EVENTS Every month, we host events called ‘in the know’ for parents & caregivers. We watch a video and share experiences and strategies that help in the hard moments and focus on strengthening our understanding & connection with our kids.

Peace Point Overdose Prevention and Safe Consumption

The Peace Point centre will serve anyone who wants to have their substance use witnessed, providing them with a safe and welcoming environment while mitigating the risks to them of ingesting contaminated or toxic drugs.

In addition, the facility will provide:

  • Overdose prevention education

  • Take Home Naloxone training and distribution

  • Onsite monitoring of people who are at risk of overdose

  • Rapid detection of and response to overdose where necessary

  • Harm reduction supply distribution and disposal options

  • Facilitation of referrals to health services, including appropriate mental health and substance use services

People under 19 years of age will receive extra support and additional assessment measures if they agree to receiving service.

A peer support line and resource database for LGBTQ2S youth in British Columbia, Canada.
‍Lines Open Saturday-Thursday, 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM PST.

Thursdays at 2:30 pm,  grab a coffee and log onto QMUNITY’s Zoom Social. Whether you’ve attended events or if you’re brand new, this time is for you. We will have a general check-in, led by Courtney, our Seniors & Older Adults program specialist, and then break into smaller groups so it will be easier to chat.

Email our Seniors Specialist to RSVP and for the invitation link,

Or, if you need some technical support to get set up, call Dial a Geek at: 1.250.385.3425 (Mention the QMUNITY seniors program and your call is free!)

Quibble Creek-Opiate Substitution, assessment, and sobering centre

Men and women ages 16 years and older and under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs looking for a safe place to sober up. Individuals can access the centre 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Counselling and harm reduction supplies. Free. No referral required.

BC Registered Clinical Counsellors 

They have met specific educational and training criteria that provide assurance of experience, qualifications and stringent professional and ethical standards. Rates range from $120/hr upwards. The website includes a search by issue, language, gender, and area. Contact the counsellor directecly to inquire about their office practices. 

START by Fraser Health

The Short Term, Assessment, Response, Treatment (START) Team provides confidential mental health crisis intervention services for children and teens. Formerly known as the Child and Youth Crisis Program.

FREE: Ages 6-18

No referral needed

Safe Seniors, Strong Communities Program (Better at Home) by United Way

A program that matches seniors who need support with non-medical essentials, with volunteers in their community who are willing to help.

When you register, your contact information is shared with the United Way's Better at Home agencies. Those agencies make the connections between seniors and volunteers in the community.

Seniors 65 and older can request volunteer help with grocery shopping, meal preparation, and prescription pick-up, or they can receive a friendly check-in call.

Available: Ages 65

Register for service on their website or call 2-1-1

Salal Sexual Violence Support Centre 

Operates a 24-hour confidental crisis line for self-identified women and female youth, and trans, non-binary, and Two-Spirit individuals who are survivors of rape or sexual violence (including childhood sexual abuse) or criminal harassment. 

Seniors First BC

A charitable, non-profit society that provides information, legal advocacy, support, and referrals to older adults across BC with issues affecting their well-being or rights, as well as concerned third parties. Programs include a Seniors Abuse and Information Line (SAIL), Victim Services Program, Legal Advocacy Program, Elder Law Clinic, Advance Planning Clinics, and Public Education and Outreach Program. Access to these programs is provided through SAIL, which is a confidential information line for older adults and those who care about them to speak to a professional intake worker about abuse, mistreatment and any issues that impact the health and well-being of an older adult in BC. 

Language interpretation is available.

Sex Addicts Annoymous

Our fellowship is open to women and men, regardless of age, race, religion, ethnic background, marital status, or occupation. We welcome members of any sexual identity or orientation. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop addictive sexual behaviour. Meetings are in person, online, or by phone. 

Sher Vancouver South Asian LGBTQ+

Sher Vancouver is a registered charity for LGBTQ+ South Asian people and their friends and families. Sher Vancouver hopes to reduce the alienation and discrimination of people dealing with sexuality, gender, and coming-out issues. Everyone is welcome!

Programs and Services

  • Counselling Program

  • Youth Leadership Award

  • Peer Support Groups with a focus on Youth, Women, and Adults

  • Intake, Information, and Referral

  • Student Practicum and Mentorship Program

  • Impactful and Informative Film Screenings

  • Sundar Prize Film Festival

  • Social Justice Film Production

  • Developing Educational Community Resources

  • Outreach Workshops to combat bullying and racism

  • Youth Community Outreach Program

  • Sher Vancouver Podcast that elevates the stories and lived experiences of BIPOC and queer people

  • Sher Vancouver Volunteer Incentive Program (VIP)

Sher Vancouver works to create safe spaces for vulnerable and marginalized LGBTQ+ people. We want to save lives and provide opportunities for LGBTQ+ people in our communities to have the support and assistance they need to grow, flourish, and reach their potential.

The Men’s Counselling Program provides men with short-term counselling and psychoeducational tools to work through trauma and create healthier relationships. The program provides services and support to explore healthy coping mechanisms and support healing in a supportive environment.

The OPS helps support people in South Surrey and White Rock who use substances and connects them with the health services they need. The Peace Point centre will serve anyone who wants to have their substance use witnessed, providing them with a safe and welcoming environment while mitigating the risks to them of ingesting contaminated or toxic drugs.

In addition, the facility will provide:

  • Overdose prevention education

  • Take Home Naloxone training and distribution

  • Onsite monitoring of people who are at risk of overdose

  • Rapid detection of and response to overdose where necessary

  • Harm reduction supply distribution and disposal options

  • Facilitation of referrals to health services, including appropriate mental health and substance use services

People under 19 years of age will receive extra support and additional assessment measures if they agree to receiving service.

Sources Community Seniors Hub is here to help you! We assist seniors to navigate programs and services available to them in the community. These include: Connection to services and community such as volunteer opportunitiesAccess to information. Access to federal and provincial income benefits. Form Completion: OAS, GIS, CPP & other government benefits; rental applications; SAFER And more! Call or email to make an appointment.

Stopping the Violence Program by DIVERSEcity

Offers free counselling to female immigrant and refugee survivors of family violence, sexual assault, or historical abuse of any kind. Also offers support, outreach, and advocacy

Culturally appropriate services are available in Punjabi, Hindi, Urdu, Arabic, Korean, Mandarin, Punjabi, Spanish, Farsi and English. This program is for women 19 years of age or older, or women under 19 who are living an adult life.

Serves Delta, Surrey, and surrounding areas

Available for: Women 19+ or women under 19 who are living an adult life.

Substance Use Info and Services by Fraser Health

Comprehensive listing of available resources online and in the community. 

Confidential, FREE: All ages, No referral needed

SPEAC by Options BC

The Suicide Prevention, Education and Counselling (SPEAC) program provides support and tools necessary to significantly reduce the risk of suicide.

Provides suicide risk assessment and individual counselling to Surrey, White Rock, and Langley residents under 19 years of age who are at risk of suicide. Also provides suicide prevention workshops for schools, community agencies, and special interest groups.

FREE: Ages 3-18

Available: Surrey, White Rock, Langley Residents

The Clubhouse AKA Whale House by Options BC

The Clubhouse program serves adults living with a mental illness. If you or someone you know has mental health issues, you may be seeking a community of understanding, like-minded people who might share the same experiences that you do. Find your sense of belonging at a Clubhouse, a safe, supportive environment where you can socialize, participate in fun recreational activities, learn employment skills, and increase community involvement. At the Clubhouses, you will never be labeled by your condition, and will feel welcomed with open arms.

FREE: Ages 19+

Referral Required (through family doctor, psychiatrist, or White Rock Mental Health/Substance Use Centre)

Family ConnectionsTM (FC) is an evidence-based 24-hour group program for people who are in a relationship with someone who has emotion dysregulation or related problems. It is provided free of charge to participants.

Family ConnectionsTM provides skills, support and hope for family members or friends (18 years +)  of someone with emotion dysregulation. Sashbear delivers this international, evidence-based program throughout Canada in both French and English, provided by trained peer family members who speak from personal experience.

Family ConnectionsTM provides:

  • Education on emotion dysregulation and five areas of dysregulation.

  • Individual skills based on dialectical behaviour therapy to understand and manage your emotions, and to regain balance in your life.

  • Relationship skills to help you be effective in your relationship with compassion and empathy.

  • Communication skills to promote collaboration and effective discussion around problem situations.Open to anyone 18 years of age and older in the Fraser Health region who has a loved one struggling with mental health issues.

12-week evening groups begin 3 times each year, in January, June and September.

All groups are currently offered online.

Together Now Support Group by DIVERSEcity

Offers a free support group for LGBTQ+ immigrants and refugees in a respectful and confidential space. Provides the opportunity to meet new people, learn about community resources and information, access counselling services, share experiences, and be part of an inclusive community. Also assists participants to navigate barriers ranging from isolation, racism, homophobia, transphobia, and find resources that assist with settlement needs such as safe housing and employment. Led by LGBTQ+ refugee and immigrant community members.

Available: LGBTQ+ immigrants and refugees (regardless of immigration status) Currently hosted virtually on ZOOM

Trans Lifeline

Trans Lifeline’s Hotline is a peer support service run by trans people, for trans and questioning callers. Our operators are located all over the U.S. and Canada, and are all trans-identified. If you are in crisis or just need someone to talk to, even if it’s just about whether or not you’re trans, please call us. We will do our best to support you and provide you resources.

Trevor Project

The Trevor Project offers accredited life-saving, life-affirming programs and services to LGBTQ youth that create safe, accepting and inclusive environments over the phone, online and through text.

211 British Columbia

We provide information and referral services for specialized help lines that support community and government programs, including 211, the Alcohol and Drug Information and Referral line; Responsible and Problem Gambling, VictimLink, and the Shelter and Street Help Lines. 

Visit to access these additional helplines. 

Our contact centre team responds to public inquiries 24/7 by phone, text, email and webchat. Services are free and confidential, and interpretation is available in over 150 languages to assist people looking for help.

Our contact centre team of Community Resource Navigators, have backgrounds in victim service, crisis response and social work. 

Uniti's Semiahmoo House Society

Its a non-profit organization located in Surrey/White Rock, exists to provide quality services and support to people with disabilities and their families in the community.

Vancouver Pride Society

Vancouver Pride Society strives to produce inclusive, celebratory events, and advocate for LGBTQAI2S+ communities through an intersectional lens. 

Organizes the annual Pride Parade and Festival in celebration of Vancouver's gay, lesbian, transgender, bisexual, and Two-Spirit community.

VictimLinkBC is a toll-free, confidential, multilingual service available across B.C. and the Yukon 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.   It provides information and referral services to all victims of crime and immediate crisis support to victims of family and sexual violence, including victims of human trafficking exploited for labour or sexual services.

VictimLink BC by BC 211

VictimLinkBC is a toll-free, confidential, multilingual telephone service. It provides information and referral services to all victims of crime and immediate crisis support to victims of family and sexual violence, including victims of human trafficking exploited for labour or sexual services. Victim service workers can provide information and referrals to all victims of crime and crisis support to victims. 

All VictimLinkBC staff are trained victim service workers and can connect people to a network of community, social, health, justice and government resources, including victim services, transition houses and counselling resources. They also provide information on the justice system, relevant federal and provincial legislation and programs, crime prevention, safety planning, protection order registry and other resources as needed.

VictimLinkBC provides service in more than 150 languages, including many North American Aboriginal languages.

 Confidential and multilingual telephone service

Vine Youth Clinic

Open on Wednesday afternoons.  Free and confidential health care for youth aged 12-24. Doctors and Youth Worker available to provide consultations to address your health and wellness concerns such as general health, sexual health, substance use, and mental health referrals.

FREE: Youth 12-24

No referral needed

Y Mind

Y Mind Teen is a free seven-week mental wellness program delivered across BC. This program supports teens ages 13 to 18 who are experiencing symptoms of mild-to-moderate anxiety or stress. Participants learn and practice evidence-based strategies to help manage anxiety.

Y Mind Teen is led by trained mental health professionals and gives teens the chance to connect with peers who are experiencing similar thoughts and feelings. All participants receive a free book, workbook and YMCA membership for up to 14 weeks. 

Y Mind Youth. If you are aged 18 to 30 and struggling with mild-to-moderate anxiety or stress, this group is for you. Y Mind Youth is a free seven-week mental wellness program delivered across BC. Anxiety can impact our lives by preventing us from doing what we want or need to do.  It can also be an isolating experience. This free program brings young people who have similar thoughts and feelings together. Participants learn evidence-based skills from trained mental health professionals and report feeling reduced anxiety, increased well-being and feeling less alone following the program. All participants receive a free book, workbook and YMCA membership for up to 14 weeks.

Youth Against Violence Line

If you're in any way concerned about your safety or the safety of others, we can help. Anything you say is kept completely confidential and you remain totally anonymous - we don't have call display either. And, because the YAV Line is a multilingual service, we can talk to you in your language.

Concerned parents, teachers, caregivers, service providers and others are also welcome to call for information and assistance

Youth In BC

An online crisis chat service, where you can chat 1-on-1 with a trained volunteer from the Crisis Centre.  We also have our website, as well as resources: a list of organizations and websites where you can get help. It’s for youth 25 and under who need a safe, respectful place to access support and information, or just someone to listen without judgment. Also open to parents and/or professionals who are looking for topic-specific information and resources for various youth-related issues.

FREE: Youths 25 and under, but all ages welcome, open to parents as well

Anonymous and Confidential. 

Note: This site is a community-based volunteer mental health collaboration. All information on is for educational purposes only. For specific advice, diagnoses, and treatment, consult your doctor, psychologist, or psychiatrist. 

For emergencies call 911.

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